Emtivi Studio
Emtivi Studio founding partners are Ruben Modigliani and Luca M. Visconti.
They have a knack for interiors, a drive for visual creativity, and the desire for triggering short-circuits between the arts, craftsmanship and daily life.
They share a deep belief in beauty, fun, and in the intriguing mixes between high and low culture.
Emtivi Studio design carpets, wallcoverings and interiors that tell a story.
Their signature style shows an approach that is at the same time aesthetic and conceptual.
Ruben Modigliani
Trained as a graphic designer, he is Senior Editor at Architectural Digest Italia. Sagittarius, in another life he would have loved to be a botanist. Never without: a little gourmandise.
Luca M. Visconti
Ph. D. in Management, he is Professor of Marketing and consultant for luxury brands and at IFM (Institut Français de la Mode), Paris. Taurus, his dream job is industrial designer. Never without: an apartment to decorate.